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Association Government


The association has seven board members; six are elected for staggered three year terms; the seventh member represents the commercial interests of the offices on the ground floor. Hyde Park operates with a full-time General Manager and an Assistant Manager. The reception desk in our newly renovated lobby is staffed with receptionists from 7:00 A.M. to midnight and a security guard from 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.

Standing Committees

Hyde Park is a Community!  Neighbors become friends by volunteering:


Plans and organizes social and community events such as the holiday party, movie nights, food collection for AFAC, and other resident get-togethers.

Facilities & Services

Oversees service contracts, warranties on common elements, security and safety programs, energy saving programs and systems, and building maintenance.

Visual Enhancement 

 Advises the Board on matters relating to aesthetics of Hyde Park’s public areas; devises and updates plan of replacement and refurbishment of furnishings and furniture in common areas.


Inspects owners’ renovation plans prior to Board approval.  Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding change of rules, by-laws, and other issues relating to the condominium.

Finance & Administration

Oversees annual operating budget, financial statements,tax matters, investments, and policies and procedures for reserves and surplus funds, collections, deposits insurance, and personnel.

Marketing & Communications

Prepares newsletters and maintains bulletin boards.Monitors our BuildingLink website page. Follows sales and rentals to ensure correct information is supplied to potential realtors, buyers, and renters. Maintains the book exchange libraries on the G-2 and G-3 elevator lobbies. Arranges periodic open houses of renovated apartments and sponsors flea markets in alternating years.

Community RuLes

Occupancy Limits

3-bedroom: 6 people
2-bedroom: 4 people
1-bedroom: 2 people
efficiency: 2 people

All balcony and unit renovations which require Arlington County permits, move or remove walls, or affect pipes within the wall must be approved by the Covenants Committee and the Hyde Park Board of Directors.

Sufficient carpeting and padding must cover 80% of the floor, excluding kitchen, closets, and bathrooms.

No cooking may be done on the balcony. Grills are provided on the Plaza. One small ordinary domestic pet is allowed with the exception of dogs. No dogs are permitted.

The Hyde Park Association owns the windows. They were replaced in 2018.


No residential unit shall be rented for transient or hotel purposes or in any event for an initial period of less than six months. No portion of a unit may be leased for any period. No unit owner shall lease a unit other than on a written form of lease requiring the lessee to comply with the condominium instruments and Rules and Regulations. AirBnB is not allowed.

Convectors are individual unit elements and belong to the owner. Mandatory convector servicing is done in the spring and fall at no charge to residents.

Commercial Business
The by-laws forbid operating a business from Hyde Park except in the commercial units. This includes renting the unit for a period of less than six months or using the unit as a bed and breakfast.

On January 1, 2018, Hyde Park became a no-smoking building. Smoking is not permitted in the building, on balconies, or on the grounds.  Current residents who smoke were exempted until they move out.

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